HRDs being interviewed by journalists


On the 111th anniversary of International Women’s Day and the 10th Anniversary of the women’s struggle as part of the Southern Peasants Federation of Thailand

8 March 2018

Declaration for the Right to Land and toward the dream of Freedom and Democracy

The Women’s Chapter of the Southern Peasants Federation of Thailand is part of the movement of landless workers. We women have shown our determination and commitment to fight for land and freedom for a long time. For a decade, the Women’s Chapter of SPFT has been uniting the working class and producers with the land to nourish society, especially by creating food security and sovereignty for the people.

On our journey of resistance, we have seen the public land seized, occupied, and shackled by those in power, and every step we take on the path to fight for a better life is strewn with obstacles and dangers.

The land must be released back into the loving embrace of those who work and care for it, along with our right to freedom and democracy for all people in Thai society. Returning the land and freedom for the people are urgent and inseparable from each other.

The Women’s Chapter of SPFT has sacrificed our time and devoted our lives for 10 years already, however, our hearts remain strong and will keep fighting until we win!

 On the 111th anniversary of International Women’s Day and the 10th Anniversary of the women’s struggle as part of the Southern Peasants Federation of Thailand. (SPFT) in the name of women who bear a great burden equal to that of men, we declare equality between men and women and reaffirm our rights to freedom and the dignity of all women.

We demand

1.    The government must urgently return full democratic power and the right to vote for representation in parliament to the people of Thailand.

2.    The government must end all actions that negatively change the way of life and stop all violations of the human rights of the people.

3.     The government must guarantee the people’s right to form a new community of landless workers to manage the land according to community land titles and collective rights to property of the community.