HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Protection International and other CSOs support #IDefendRights to change the narrative about Human Rights Defenders

4 July 2018

Brussels, 4 July 2018

Protection International supports #IDefendRights, a new project launched by the Norwegian Human Rights Fund and MEMRIA, that aims to collect Human Rights Defenders’ experiences on working on the front lines defending the rights of others. 

Protection International endorses this initiative which, as well as its global campaign #CommunitiesareHRDs, pretends to shift the narrative about #HRDs towards a collective approach and a recognition of the collective dimension of their work. 

If you defend human rights, please join #IDefendRights and share your story by recording your experience as an HRD here.

Listen to other stories 

Help Protection International promote the collective dimension of Human Rights Defenders by posting a photo of your community with the hashtag #CommunitiesareHRDs

What we mean by “communities”

Our campaign’s slogan “Communities are HRDs!” refers to communities as collective groups in a broad sense, i.e. groups fighting together for and defending the respect of human rights. They are:

  • social groups living together
  • spontaneous coalitions against specific measures or projects (of concerned citizens, organizations, fishermen, lawyers, journalists, etc)
  • specific communities of people such as e.g. the LGBTIQ community