The Psychosocial Approach, Applied to the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Protection International aims to enable and protect the free exercise of the right to defend human rights. To achieve this, we promote a comprehensive approach to the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Our approach is multifaceted, interdisciplinary and ever-evolving. There are a few core elements that constitute the foundation for our interventions at the […]
Redefining the Risk Approach

Designing and implementing a human rights defender-centric approach to protection We are proud to publish “Redefining the Risk Approach”, a publication about the Risk Analysis and Protection Plan Principles, otherwise known as the “Risk Approach Recommendations”. The Risk Analysis and Protection Plan Principles are 21 concrete statements, which outline the most essential and foundational concepts […]
Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders (2009)

The purpose of this manual is to provide human rights defenders (HRDs) with additional knowledge and tools that may be useful for improving their understanding of security and protection. The manual can be used to support training on security and protection, help defenders carry out their own risk assessments and define security rules and procedures that suit […]
New Protection Manual for Human Rights Defenders

Developed to provide human rights defenders with additional knowledge and tools useful for improving their understanding of security and protection. It is the result of over 25 years combined experience of PI’s members in working in the area of human rights and humanitarian law, as well as in the protection of HRDs. The manual is available in English, French, […]