Annual Report 2020

We are pleased to share with you Protection International‘s 2020 Annual Report, which brings together stories and highlights from this past year concerning our work with human rights defenders (HRDs) who fortify the Right to Defend Human Rights (RDHR) across the globe. 2020 has been an unprecedented time for Protection International (PI) – as it […]
What do we mean by collective protection?

What do we mean by collective protection and what are its main elements? In the infographic below, we share the key concepts that are needed to better understand collective protection. What is it? Who constitutes a collective of human rights defenders? What are their approaches? And what are some examples within the Colombian context? Protection […]
The Right to Defend Human Rights During COVID-19

Within the framework of the social, economic and public health emergency of the COVID-19 pandemic, Protection International Colombia created the following guidebook aimed at human rights defenders and their communities within the country. This guide contains relevant information and basic recommendations for addressing the risks faced by human rights defenders and communities, which are intensified […]
[Spanish] Protección colectiva: conversaciones con personas defensoras de derechos humanos en Brazil, Colombia, Guatemala y Honduras

To read the English article, follow the link. Memorias de cuatro conversatorios sobre la protección colectiva a personas y colectividades defensoras de los derechos humanos, ambientales y territoriales En 2020, las organizaciones Protection International (PI) con su trabajo en Brasil; la Associação de Advogados de Trabalhadores Rurais- AATR (Brasil); el Centro de Estudos e Ação […]
Redefining the Risk Approach

Designing and implementing a human rights defender-centric approach to protection We are proud to publish “Redefining the Risk Approach”, a publication about the Risk Analysis and Protection Plan Principles, otherwise known as the “Risk Approach Recommendations”. The Risk Analysis and Protection Plan Principles are 21 concrete statements, which outline the most essential and foundational concepts […]
Taking Care of Us – A Guide for the Collective Protection of Human Rights Defenders in Rural Areas (2020)
Protection International presents the third edition of the publication “Taking Care of Us”, a methodology developed by our team at Protection International Mesoamerica. This publication presents our experience and lessons learned working with human rights defenders in the Mesoamerican region since 2007. This latest publication aims to illustrate our work accompanying groups that defend human […]
[Spanish] Cuaderno Gestáltico para el trabajo de protección con Defensoras de Derechos Humanos

Protection International Mesoamérica ha realizado un “Cuaderno gestáltico” para el trabajo de protección a defensoras de derechos humanos surge ante la necesidad de responder al acompañamiento a redes de defensoras en los territorios por la crisis mundial de la COVID-19, que nos hace mantenernos en nuestras casas por el riesgo de ser contagiadas o contagiar. […]
“Gestalt Notebook” for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders
Protection International Mesoamerica has produced a “Gestalt Notebook” for the work of protecting women human rights defenders. This publication arose from need to remotely accompany networks of defenders within their territories during the COVID-19 pandemic. The publication contains exercises that aim to respond to the experiences, thoughts and emotions of the defenders from home in […]
Annual Report 2019

We are pleased to share with Protection International‘s 2019 Annual Report, a publication which brings together our stories and highlights with women and men human rights defenders (W/HRDs) who protect the Right to Defend Human Rights (RDHR) across the globe. 2019 was a year in which the world witnessed a rise in extremist politics, exacerbated […]
Annual Report 2018

Protection International is pleased to share its 2018 Annual Report, one which highlights some remarkable moments from a challenging year for human rights defenders (HRDs) and protection of the right for all to defend human rights. 2018 was a year of both celebration and struggle for Protection International and its partners. During this year, which […]