Strengthening the Inclusion, Protection and Wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities

This illustration shows an culturally diverse crowd of HRDs with disabilities, holding up signs saying "Nothing about us without us", "Leave no one behind", "Include disabled people in activism", and "we are people first!". The crowd is holding up a banner in front saying "Leave No One Behind" and at the front of the crowd there is a blind man with his guiding stick and a woman with a headscarf in a wheelchair.

A year ago, we launched our guide “Strengthening the Inclusion, Protection, and Wellbeing of Human Rights Defenders with Disabilities”. Today, we take another step forward in accessibility by offering it in Spanish, French, Russian, and Swahili. Nuestra guía “Fortalecer la inclusión, protección y bienestar de las personas defensoras de los derechos humanos con discapacidad” está […]

[Spanish] Monitoreo sobre la situación del deber estatal de garantizar el ejercicio de defensa de los derechos humanos en municipios guatemaltecos

[English text bellow] En la actualidad, la defensa de los derechos humanos en Guatemala atraviesa una de sus peores crisis desde los procesos de transición democrática y acuerdos de paz de inicios de la década de los noventa. Las amenazas, ataques físicos y en redes sociales, sumada a la criminalización indebida contra operadores/as de justicia […]

The gender perspective in the protection of women human rights defenders – the experiences of Mexico and Honduras.

Protection International, JASS and CEJIL come together in this publication to deepen understanding of the gender perspective and violence against women human rights defenders and to demand effective action from states. This publication aims to identify how the gender perspective has been incorporated into practices, strategies, regulations and programmes for the protection of human rights […]

The Worldwide Growth of National Policies for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

[5 August 2022] Over the years, and especially since 2012, we have seen a growing number of countries adopt national public policies for the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). For the purposes of this work, it is broadly understood that public policies for the protection of HRDs includes any piece of legislation, decree, policy […]

[Spanish] Tejiendo saberes por la defensa de nuestros derechos

Colombia es uno de los países donde más se vulneran los derechos de las mujeres y de las personas defensoras de los derechos humanos: asesinatos, desapariciones forzadas, amenazas, agresiones sexuales contra las mujeres, estigmatización, criminalización, abuso policial y cooptación de liderazgos, son solo algunas de las violaciones que día a día viven en el país. […]

The Psychosocial Approach, Applied to the Protection of Human Rights Defenders

Protection International aims to enable and protect the free exercise of the right to defend human rights. To achieve this, we promote a comprehensive approach to the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Our approach is multifaceted, interdisciplinary and ever-evolving. There are a few core elements that constitute the foundation for our interventions at the […]

Basic elements of computer security for defenders

The current situation of insecurity and the computer-related risks that people who are conducting activities in defence of human rights experience daily have increased during the crisis caused by COVID-19. Social isolation and mobility-restricting measures have led us to carry out most of our activities online, in many cases from our own homes and with […]

The Right to Defend Human Rights, From a Critical Approach

Protection International aims to enable and protect the free exercise of the right to defend human rights. To achieve this, we promote a comprehensive approach to the protection of human rights defenders (HRDs). Our approach is multifaceted, interdisciplinary and ever-evolving. There are a few core elements that constitute the foundation for our interventions at the […]