Organizaciones de mujeres defensoras de derechos humanos presentan retos y aprendizajes para la protección colectiva

Bogotá, octubre de 2024. Además de liderar mundialmente la violencia hacia a las personas defensoras de derechos humanos, Colombia ocupa uno de los primeros lugares en América Latina de los países más violentos y con altos índices de agresiones hacia a mujeres y niñas. En este contexto de violencias, las mujeres defensoras se convierten en […]
A Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organisations in Europe

Civil Society Europe and the European Civic Forum, leading an informal coalition of civil society organisations1 which includes Protection International, present the Mapping paper and the Pathways paper for a Protection Mechanism for Human Rights Defenders and Civil Society Organisations in Europe. The papers aim to map the existing protection landscape and, based on the […]
Criminalization of Sexual Violence’s Woman Advocate: “A Grave Attack against Woman Human Rights Defender and Victim Advocate, and the Yogyakarta Regional Police’s Systematic Effort to Shield a Sex Offender”

Thursday, 25 July 2024: The Yogyakarta Regional Police (Polda DIY) charged Meila Nurul Fajriah as a Suspect with defamation under Article 27 Paragraph (3) on Information and Electronic Transactions Law jo Article 45 Paragraph (3) of the Information and Electronic Transactions Law. Meila, a public interest lawyer at LBH Yogyakarta, was advocating for a sexual […]
Introducing the Declaration +25

Introducing the Declaration +25, an authoritative, civil society-led document that supplements the UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders. Together, these two texts form a comprehensive set of standards that are grounded in international law and are a baseline to protect defenders and the right to defend human rights. This document is the result of more […]
Press release: European Union and civil society sign landmark partnership to promote an enabling environment for civil society globally

Brussels, 12 June 2024 European Union and civil society sign landmark partnership to promote an enabling environment for civil society globally The EU System for an Enabling Environment for Civil Society (EU SEE) programme seeks to support civil society to thrive by preventing efforts to restrict civic space and repress civil society organisations (CSOs). A […]
Informe de conclusiones de la misión internacional de la sociedad civil sobre la libertad de prensa en Guatemala

El pasado mes de mayo, ocho organizaciones internacionales defensoras de la libertad de expresión y prensa, en alianza con dos redes regionales, condujeron una misión de verificación sobre el estado de la liberta de prensa en Guatemala. La misión tuvo como objetivo analizar, y visibilizar las violencias y obstáculos que enfrentan las personas periodistas y […]
Guatemala: Sin libertad de prensa no hay democracia

Ciudad de Guatemala, 17 de mayo 2023 Comunicado de prensa Guatemala: Sin libertad de prensa no hay democracia Hacemos un llamado a las autoridades a respetar y proteger la libertad de expresión y de prensa como condición para garantizar la democracia y la legitimidad del proceso electoral A un mes de las elecciones nacionales, las […]
Report from international platforms and organizations on the human rights situation in Colombia (2018 – 2022) for the 2023 Universal Periodic Review

El presente informe sombra ha sido preparado por una coalición ad hoc de 67 organizaciones internacionales en el marco del cuarto Examen Periódico Universal (EPU) a Colombia que tendrá lugar a lo largo del 2023. Fue entregado el 1° de marzo 2023 a la Oficina del Alto Comisionado para los Derechos Humanos en el marco […]
Environmental Defenders from Brazil at EU Parliament Stir Up Sustainable Due Diligence Debate

[Brussels] 12 October 2022 – Last night over one hundred European policymakers, members of civil society active in the fight for environmental justice and human rights, environmental defenders, and journalists gathered in the European Parliament for the avant-premiere of the documentary film The Illusion of Abundance, followed by a panel discussion on the Corporate Sustainable […]
Attempted Murder Conviction of High-Profile HRD Case is Shockingly Overturned

Impunity Reigns as the Overall Security of Land Rights Defenders in Thailand is Further Undermined The Wiang Sra Provincial Court of Surat Thani in Thailand just issued its verdict from the Region 8 Court of Appeals, acquitting the suspect in the attempted murder case against Mr Dam On-muang, land rights defender and member of The […]