HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Cambodia: Support and solidarity for the five detained HRDs

16 August 2016


Together with 53 others organisations, Protection International is calling for support and solidarity for the 5 Cambodian human rights defenders who have been detained since 28 April 2016.

Senior staff senior staff members from the NGO Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC), Mr. Ny Sokha, Mr. Yi Soksan, Mr. Nay Vanda and Ms. Lim Mony, and deputy secretary-general of the National Election Committee (and former ADHOC staff member) Mr. Ny Chakrya – have been detained in regard to the advice and legitimate reimbursement of food and transport costs provided to the woman alleged to have had an extra-marital relationship with deputy opposition leader. Their detained is believed to be largely politically motivated.

The #FreeThe5KH campaign aims to raise awareness, garner support for the detained human rights defenders and remind them that the public has not forgotten about their cause.

Show your support by following the #FreeThe5KH on Facebook and twitter.