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CSOs request EP Delegation for Brazil to include Bahia in their visit agenda

26 April 2023

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Ahead of the upcoming European Parliament members’ visit to Brazil, civil society organisations in the State of Bahia, including Protection International, express their interest to meet with the EP Delegation

Salvador de Bahia, 19 April 2023

Ms. and Mr. Chair and Vice-Chairs of the European Parliament Delegation for Brazil (D-BR),

Ms. and Mr. representatives of the EU Delegation to Brazil,

With the most distinguished greetings, the undersigned Brazilian civil society organizations hereby address the Delegation for relations with the Federative Republic of Brazil (D-BR) in the light of the knowledge that a Delegation of MEPs will be visiting Brazil soon. We understand that the visit aims to deepen the ongoing dialogue with civil society and with governmental instances on the most varied themes including, hopefully, the situation of human rights and human rights defenders in the country.

Aware of the relevant role that this legislative body has played in the safeguarding of human rights, the purpose of this letter is to request the inclusion in the agenda of a meeting with civil society organizations from the Northeast region of Brazil, which monitor serious and reiterated human rights violations in the State of Bahia.

Of the five Brazilian regions, the Northeast has for years been in second place in number of conflicts the countryside, according to data systematized by the Pastoral Land Commission (CPT). In the year 2022, 496 conflicts were registered, involving quilombola (afro-descendent) communities, fishing communities, indigenous peoples, landless families and rural communities. In addition, the region is marked by strong violence against human rights defenders who work on other issues, such as confronting state violence, as well as violence and racism in the urban areas.

In Bahia, especially, the undersigned organizations have carried out highly relevant processes demanding the Brazilian State to meet its obligations regarding people’s right to defend human rights and the guarantee of a safe environment for human rights defenders to operate. Some examples have been the Quilombola Community of Boca do Rio; Group of communities of the Island of Boipeba and Tinharé; Communities of Maré Island; Community of Santo Antônio de Jitaí; communities of Cupim e Porcos, Guará and Pombas.

For all the above reasons, we believe that the presence of the EP Delegation would have a very positive impact to visibilise and support the human rights defense work by civil society in the region. We would be happy to share information about our context and the rights we defend and discuss strategies to overcome the human rights violations.


  • CONSELHO PASTORAL DOS PESCADORES – CPP (Fishing Communities’ Pastoral Council)
  • COORDINATORA ECUMÉNICA DE SERVIÇO – CESE (Ecumenical Coordinator of Service)
  • CENTRO DE ESTUDOS E AÇÃO SOCIAL – CEAS (Center of Social Action and Studies)
  • ASSOCIAÇÃO DE AVOGADOS DE TRABALHADORES RURAIS NO ESTADO DA BAHIA – AATR-BA (Association of Lawyers of Rural Workers in the State of Bahia)

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