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HRDs demand justice for Berta Caceres in front of the Honduran embassy in Brussels

21 April 2016

“Today, we say that Berta hasn’t died. The murderers were wrong. She lives.” Bertha Zúñiga

A demonstration was held on April 20th in front of the Honduran embassy in Brussels in order to call justice for the murders of world-renowned activist and Goldman Environmental Prize winner Berta Cáceres – leader of Lenca Indigenous group COPINH – and her colleague Nelson Garcia but also to put an end to the persecution of those who defend the rights of the indigenous people in Honduras.

The action gathered over 40 people including COPINH’s general coordinator Jose Asuncion Martinez and Berta’s daughter Bertha Zúñiga.

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Brussels is the first stop of a tour in Europe the delegation (which includes two other Honduran activists) is undertaking to engage with policymakers and NGOs, join national protests at financiers, and talk to media and the general public about the defense of human rights, repression and impunity in their country. They demand that the Honduran government allow a fully independent investigation to be carried out into Berta’s murder, call on the EU to suspend funding to Honduras, and request that Dutch development bank FMO and Finland-based FinnFund withdraw from the Agua Zarca project Berta was opposing at the time of her murder.

More information on the Honduran delegation’s visit in Brussels here.