HRDs being interviewed by journalists


Are you a human rights defender, organisation, collective, facilitator or donor and you have RECEIVED, FUNDED, SUPPORTED, ACCOMPANIED, or DELIVERED any kind of capacity-building process on security and protection management? Fill out the survey!

23 October 2023

[Brève explication en espagnol et en français ci-dessous]
[Breve explicación en español y francés más abajo]

Protection International (PI) is launching a research process and survey to map out capacity-building practices on security and protection that have had a meaningful impact on human rights defenders (HRDs) daily work and protection. Therefore, we are looking for:

  • HRDs/organisations and/or collectives who have RECEIVED any capacity-building support on security and protection management (training, workshops, etc.).
    *Except e-learning course organized by Protection International
  • Facilitators and donors who have FUNDED, SUPPORTED, ACCOMPANIED, or DELIVERED any capacity-building process on security and protection management for human rights defenders (training, workshop, etc.).

If you have received, funded, supported, accompanied or delivered this type of support and are willing to contribute to PI’s research, we kindly ask you to complete the following survey.

About this survey and research

This survey is the initial stage of a research that aims to highlight good practices regarding capacity-building processes for security and protection and develop standards for how these processes should be designed and conducted.

In PI, we have been leading over the past years a reflection about the impact of the workshops we deliver. We moved away from one-off workshops a long time ago, as we found that they are not enough in order to achieve a sustainable impact. However, capacity-building on the topic of security and protection management is a complex process whose success and sustainability does not depend on one factor only.

The “multidimensional” protection approach that PI adopted, which includes the protection of people, of organisational processes, of the environment and the territory, of the information, and of networks, must be anchored in the context and the practices of the HRDs with whom we work. The objective to strengthen capacities is not resolved with a single workshop, but rather requires a long process in order to contribute to the strengthening of the agency of HRDs. This does not only depend on our own practices and approaches as practitioners, but also on the internal dynamics of CSOs and HR organisations as well as on their working environment.  

In this regard, the simple transfer of knowledge does not translate into more agency for participants. In some contexts, capacity-building workshops can actually bring very little to participants, as structural causes of oppressions and HR violations are overwhelming. In others, internal dynamics within CSOs and HR organisations mean that security and protection is not a priority.

Finally, we feel the obligation to take into account the environmental impact of our work. Shall we take a medium or long haul flight to deliver a 3 to 4-day workshop (which will possibly be a one-off workshop or not have the impact we wish)? Surely, the expected impact and outcome of the workshop should influence such decisions.

We have reached the conclusion that a collective discussion on the topic of capacity building is necessary. This survey is the beginning of a process that aims to be an ambitious evaluation of capacity building interventions in order to learn what works for whom, for what, under which circumstances, and how. Such an evaluation would be also useful for the growing community of practitioners working in the field of protection for HRDs, as well as for donors, who would like to really know which could be the actual outcomes and impact of these activities.

Your input will be highly valuable!

Thanks in advance for the time you’ll invest in this.

Protection International

Comunicación en español

Buscamos Personas Defensoras de Derechos Humanos (PDDH), organizaciones, colectivos, facilitadores y donantes que hayan RECIBIDO, FINANCIADO, APOYADO, ACOMPAÑADO o FACILITADO cualquier proceso de desarrollo de capacidades en gestión de seguridad y protección

Protection International (PI) está lanzando un proceso para mapear prácticas de desarrollo de capacidades en materia de seguridad y protección que hayan tenido un impacto significativo en el trabajo diario y la protección de PDDH. Por lo tanto, estamos buscando PDDH/organizaciones y/o colectivos que hayan RECIBIDO algún tipo de apoyo para el desarrollo de capacidades en gestión de seguridad y protección (capacitación, talleres, etc.). También buscamos facilitadores y donantes que hayan FINANCIADO, APOYADO, ACOMPAÑADO o REALIZADO cualquier proceso de desarrollo de capacidades en gestión de seguridad y protección para personas defensoras de derechos humanos (capacitación, taller, etc.).

Si ha recibido, financiado, apoyado, acompañado o brindado este tipo de apoyo y está dispuesto/a en contribuir con la investigación de PI, le solicitamos que complete la siguiente encuesta.

Esta encuesta es la etapa inicial de una investigación que tiene como objetivo identificar buenas prácticas relacionadas con los procesos de desarrollo de capacidades para la seguridad y la protección y desarrollar estándares sobre cómo estos procesos deben diseñarse y realizarse.

¡Tu aporte será muy valioso!

Gracias de antemano por el tiempo que invertirá en esto.

Protección Internacional

Communication en français

Nous recherchons des Défenseur-e-s des Droits Humains (DDH), des organisations, des collectifs, des facilitateurs/facilitatrices et des bailleurs qui ont REÇU, FINANCÉ, SOUTENU, ACCOMPAGNÉ ou LIVRÉ tout processus de renforcement des capacités en matière de gestion de la sécurité et de la protection

Protection International lance un processus de recherche pour identifier des pratiques de renforcement des capacités en matière de sécurité et de protection qui ont eu un impact significatif sur le travail quotidien et la protection des DDH. Nous recherchons donc des DDH/organisations et/ou collectifs ayant REÇU un soutien en renforcement de capacités en matière de gestion de la sécurité et de la protection (formations, ateliers, etc.). Nous recherchons également des facilitateurs/facilitatrices et des bailleurs qui ont FINANCÉ, SOUTENU, ACCOMPAGNÉ ou LIVRÉ tout processus de renforcement des capacités en matière de gestion de la sécurité et de la protection des défenseur-e-s des droits humains (formation, atelier, etc.).

Si vous avez reçu, financé, soutenu, accompagné ou fourni ce type de soutien et que vous êtes prêt-e à contribuer aux recherches de PI, nous vous demandons de bien vouloir répondre au sondage suivant.

Cette enquête est la première étape d’une recherche qui vise à mettre en évidence des bonnes pratiques concernant les processus de renforcement des capacités en matière de sécurité et de protection et à développer des directrices sur la manière dont ces processus doivent être conçus et menés.

Votre contribution sera très précieuse !

Merci d’avance pour le temps que vous y consacrerez.

Protection International